Zohan Smart Energies

Consult, Design, Production

Zohan Smart Energies
Zohan Smart Energies
Zohan Smart Energies

The company named as "Zohan Smart Energies" work with descriptions and objectives provided below. The main activities of "Zohan Smart Energies" are providing consultation, design, construction, new solutions and implementation of energy management systems, building management systems and renewable energy systems. The goal of energy management solutions contains designing and manufacturi...

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اطلاعات تماس
بیوگرافی شرکت

Zohan Smart Energies

Iran (Islamic Republic of), Mashhad

Business type

Manufacturer, Importer, Wholesaler, Retailer, Exporter, Service provider


Consult, Design, Production, Installation, Smart Technologies, Optimization, Energy, Lightening, Control, BMS, EMS, Light Design, Industrial Electronics, Electrical panel, Photovoltaiec, Insulator

Business entity:

Joint stock company

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