BNSP - Refractory Sanat Pars

Refractory packing, gland packing , pump packing

Foil fiber ceramic fabric

foil ceramic fabric: Foil fiberglass refractory fabric is woven from fiberglass or fiberglass. This fabric uses a layer of aluminum foil on its surface.

Product description

Foil ceramic fabric:
Foil fiberglass refractory fabric is woven from fiberglass or fiberglass. This fabric uses a layer of aluminum foil on its surface.
First, we deal with the structure and properties of fiberglass and aluminum foil.
Fiberglass is a type of material that is made by joining several small glass fibers together. These strands are bonded together using chemicals and become a stronger strand, with more cohesiveness.
Woven fibers are more cohesive and for sale, they first make fiberglass fibers into woven ones and then sell it.
Fiberglass fibers can be produced and used in different sizes. After being woven in a smaller size, this product can be turned into fiberglass yarns and slightly larger into fiberglass ropes, and if it is much larger, it can be turned into fiberglass fabrics, which is the type of work of these materials They differ according to their volume and size.
aluminum foil :
Aluminum foil has important applications in various industries such as construction, packaging industries and even electrical industries.
Among these, the packaging industry can be considered the most important consumer industry of aluminum foils; Because the highest tonnage of aluminum foil is allocated to this section.
Considering the average share of different industries in the consumption of aluminum along with the average consumption of foil in different industries, it can be said that every year approximately 15% of the aluminum produced in the world is used to produce aluminum foil.
Different applications of aluminum foil
Aluminum foil is one of the most widely used aluminum downstream products.
This product has important applications in various industries such as construction, packaging industries and even electrical industries.
Among these, the packaging industry can be considered the most important consumer industry of aluminum foils; Because the highest tonnage of aluminum foil is allocated to this section.
Among the uses of aluminum foil in the construction industry, we can mention the construction of various composite panels used in the facades of buildings.
This product is also used to produce fireproof doors and walls and heat insulation
Familiar with the characteristics of consumables in this product.
Let's examine the product made of these materials:
Foil fiber ceramic fabric:
Foil fiberglass refractory fabric, which is an upgraded version of fiberglass fabric, has exactly all the features of fiberglass fabric. This product is able to withstand temperatures up to about 550 degrees Celsius. Due to the presence of aluminum foil up to 780 degrees Celsius in certain conditions, its tolerance is high. Its features include stainlessness, thermal insulation, electrical insulation and high mechanical resistance. But one of the disadvantages of using aluminum foil is that this fabric can not work well in all acidic and alkaline environments. Made of fiberglass cloth for the production of fireproof clothing, covers and gloves such as firefighters' clothing, fireproof coatings, insulation of tanks and pipes, as well as to prevent damage from welding debris and charcoal, as well as for the floor of workshops that Heat equivalent to red charcoal to be used. Foil fiberglass fabric is also known as fireproof tarpaulin.

اطلاعات تماس
بیوگرافی شرکت

BNSP - Refractory Sanat Pars

Iran (Islamic Republic of), Tehran

Business type

Manufacturer, Importer, Wholesaler, Retailer, Exporter


Refractory packing, gland packing , pump packing , Industrial polymers, Washers and industrial parts, Refractory Yarn, Fireproof fabric, Refractory tape, Refractory silicone, Rubber, Thermal insulation, Refractory mica, Refractory fiber, gasket

Business entity:


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