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The chemical compound silicon dioxide is also known as silica sand. Filter silica sand consists of hard, durable, and dense grains of predominantly siliceous material that will resist degradation during handling and use.

Supplier information


Iran (Islamic Republic of), Tehran

Manufacturer, Service provider

silica, silicasand, silisiran, iransilica

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Product description


Silica Sand

The chemical compound silicon dioxide is also known as silica sand. Filter silica sand consists of hard, durable, and dense grains of predominantly siliceous material that will resist degradation during handling and use. Our silica sand meets up-to-date AWWA B100 specifications and is ANSI/NSF standard 61 certified.

Silica sand is used frequently in water filtration systems and also in many other industries. The Parssilis Company can arrange delivery of silica sand from one 50 lb sack to dozens and dozens of truck loads delivered to your job site anywhere in the Iran. We also coordinate deliveries shipped all over the world.

Silica sand is used in many industries:

water filtration

water treatment plants

chemical filtration systems

glass making

making of crystal

foundry uses


oil and gas industry

golf courses

Our silica sand meets the following specifications:



specific gravity

acid solubility


The following silica sand particle shapes are available:

angular to sub angular

round to sub round

Available packaging of silica sand:

50 kg. sacks

1000 kg. sacks

Bulk dumped                        09193049509