Obviously, the most effective way to prevent an unwanted pregnancy, having sex, in this case the couple can rest assured that none of the above issues are not affected. But couples who are having sex, contraceptive methods should be used correctly and at the right time, to prevent unwanted pregnancy.
Supplier information
prenatal care In practice midwifery and women Sarreyh Izadi
Iran (Islamic Republic of), TehranService provider
Mode of delivery, Pelvic examination -Dvshyzgan, Consultation, pap smear
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تامین کنندگان برتر پارس سنتر سرعت پاسخگویی بالاتر و محصولات بروز تری نسبت به سایر تامین کنندگان دارند.
Service description
the following list Mynmaydkh most of these procedures are provided in the office and the need to further explore and do in the hospital.. Oral. condom. A diaphragm / cap. Sperm Pesticide. IUDs. Adhesives contraceptives. Ampoules of injectable one-month and three-month. Implanted capsules. Sterilization (tubal ligation)