petro farhan gostar joonob

KODAK, Magnaflux, Cem

DT-150 Coating Thickness Tester

DT-150 Coating Thickness Tester Dual Technology Features Automatic Selection of Magnetic Induction or Eddy Current Measurement Techniques


Working principle :
0.0~2.0mm/ 0~80 mil
Measuring range :
±(2%+ 0.1)mm/ ±(2%﹢4)mil

Product description

DT-150 Coating Thickness Tester

Dual Technology Features Automatic Selection of Magnetic Induction or Eddy Current Measurement Techniques

02165565901 - +989133390223 - +989902782086 - +989034119385

اطلاعات تماس
بیوگرافی شرکت

petro farhan gostar joonob

Iran (Islamic Republic of), Tehran

Business type



KODAK, Magnaflux, Cem, Benetech, Bycotest, tetenal, MR-chimie, Uni-t, ilford, Kimo, Testo, Fluke, Lutron, Tes, huatec, FMC

Business entity:


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