hana kesht

Caspian edible snail, Snail

Red sugar is an organic

Red, brown, or red sugar is sugar without artificial additives and is completely natural and has many properties. Sales without intermediaries


Red sugar :
brown sugar

Product description


What is red sugar?


Red sugar is a type of sugar and a natural type of sugar. Some people think that red sugar is no different than brown sugar. But the truth is something else. Red sugar is the same raw sugar that is obtained from the main extract of cane sugar and its sugar content is not less than 88%.


No chemicals or additives enter the process of producing red sugar, and due to the presence of the largest amount of molasses, it is rich in many minerals, vitamins and minerals, especially chromium; Red sugar has a warm nature and is useful for relieving colds.


The amount of calories (energy) and sucrose in red sugar is much less than brown sugar and white sugar, and its taste and aroma have led to its use in addition to home use in confectionery and baking.


Additionally, the low calorie and sucrose content of brown sugar and delayed sugar absorption make it possible for diabetics and overweight people to use it with peace of mind.


Brown sugar properties:

Red sugar occupies a special place in traditional and modern medicine from the past to the present and has many healing and medicinal properties. Here are some of the benefits of red sugar:


Red sugar is rich in vitamins, proteins, and minerals. Fiber, antioxidants, iron, calcium, phosphorous, potassium and magnesium are among them that make these nutrients effective in the prevention and treatment of many diseases.


1- It is useful in abdominal pain and diseases related to the digestive system, for example, it is a laxative for the abdomen and relieves constipation.

2- It improves liver disease.

3- A blood cleanser, preventing anemia, and regulating blood pressure

4- To get rid of hoarseness, use it with hot water and almond oil.

5- Red sugar, unlike white sugar that produces sputum soda, repels soda spit.

6- It strengthens bones and joints and prevents premature aging.

7- Due to its nature, it is beneficial for dryness of the throat, chest and lungs.

8- It increases the freshness and freshness of the skin.

9- Effective in treating influenza, cough and cold.

  1. It enhances sexual desire and benefits the pregnant woman nutritionally.

اطلاعات تماس
بیوگرافی شرکت

hana kesht

Iran (Islamic Republic of), Khuzestan, Shush

Business type

Manufacturer, Wholesaler, Retailer, Exporter, Service provider


Caspian edible snail, Snail

Business entity:

Joint stock company

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