Tour guides in Isfahan



local tour guide in isfahan, Ms. pegah (Zahra Najafi) is an Isfahan travel guide who helps you get a low cost travel to Isfahan.After years of working with isfahan travel agency, she knows how to plan and behave throughout the day to improve the quality of your trip.

Ms. Zahra Najafi holds a tourist ID for local Tour guides in Isfahan




Tour guides in Isfahan

Tour guides in Isfahan

Experience a fantastic tour of 'Half of the World' with Leila & Pegah (tour guides in Isfahan)

Who can claim to have seen the most beautiful city of the world without having seen Isfahan? “Andre Malraux”

As frequently seen in many travelogues, Isfahan is considered to be one of the most beautiful cities in the world: An ancient town and capital of Persia from 1598 to 1722 A.D. since many have claimed to have found half of the beauties of the whole world in this city, they have given it the title of 'Half of the World'.

Visit half of the world with Pegah & Leila, tour guides in Isfahan.

'Naghsh-e-Jahan Square' which is a UNESCO site and Chehelsotun, the magnificent royal Palace that would receive dignitaries and ambassadors in Safavid era are among the most charming places which are a must for every visitor to visit (visit these charming places with Pegah & Leila, tour guides in Isfahan). However, the beauty of Isfahan is not only limited to these well-known places. There are also some other attractive sites in Isfahan which are usually neglected by tour guides. But, this negligence does not mean that these places do not worth paying a visit.

Meet these less visited places of Isfahan with us: Pegah & Leila, tour guides in Isfahan.



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Meet these less visited places of Isfahan with us (Pegah & Leila, tour guides in Isfahan)

Zoorkhaneh (house of strength)

This ancient sport (varzeshe bastani) whose history goes back to 2500 years ago in acheamenian dynasty is somehow regarded as a type of traditional gymnastics and is still practiced in Zoorkhaneh. The tactics of this ancient sport are symbolic and representative of war tactics in ancient times. The athletes exercise in harmony with the rhythms, poems and prayers of a man called Morshed (mentor). Morshed recites some religious and epic verses while playing a drum and ringing a bell each time to increase the pleasure and energy of sportsmen as well as the audience.

Spend a memorable night in Zoorkhaneh with us: Pegah & Leila, tour guides in Isfahan.



subquarter of Ali Qoli Agha

The subquarter of Ali Qoli Agha:

This old quarter including a mosque, a bathhouse and a bazaar was established by Ali Qoli Agha who was a high-ranking courtier in the time of Shah Soleyman and Shah Sultan Hussein: the Safavid kings and dates back to1711 A.D. The mosque with its incredible polychrome tiles and mosaics as well as the bathhouse with its marvelous miniature paintings has given a different view of Safavid complexes to this site.

Let us be your company to this unique place: Pegah & Leila, tour guides in Isfahan.



Constitution House of Isfahan

Constitution House of Isfahan

This old house with its astonishing Qajar architecture would belong to a political leader of Isfahan in the time of constitutional revolution. Around 100 years ago in the time of Qajar dynasty, political activists and leaders of this revolution would gather in this place to discuss their civil and constitutional affairs. This house now has turned into a historical museum demonstrating the constitution period in Iran. Moreover, other documents and photographs which belong to the First World War and the time of Reza Shah Pahlavi are displayed in this house. In addition, the statues of political figures of that time have been placed in different sections of this museum.

Let’s go back in time and meet the constitutionalists of Iran in that era together: Pegah & Leila, tour guides in Isfahan.



Assarkhaneh Shahi

Assarkhaneh Shahi (historical oil-extracting house):

Today, Assarkhanehs are rarely found around the whole country of Iran. However, this industry has an ancient background dating back to acheamenian era which prospered again in the Safavid period. Assarkhaneh Shahi/ Assarkhaneh Shah Abbas is a little oil-extracting factory which was built about 400 years ago in the time of Shah Abbas I and is listed now in UNESCO as a world heritage. This forgotten jewel placed in the heart of Naqshe Jahan Square operated even until a decade ago. However, it is not used anymore due to the improvements of technology and industry.

Do not forget this peculiar place on your visit to the Square: Pegah & Leila, tour guides in Isfahan.

For contact with the tourist guide in Isfahan please call  00989378583247


Tour guide in isfahan

 Best Guide to View Isfahan Tourist Attractions

Leader Tour: Considering the recent developments and considering that tourism is one of the sources of income in many societies, the Isfahan Cultural Heritage and Tourism Organization has partnered with private centers to hold courses related to this industry. One of the most important of these courses is the guidance course for Tourism and Tourism, which during the year and two months should be based on sources such as History and Culture. Anthropology, Public Culture, Professional and Professional Language, should be read after several stages of examination and Being a comprehensive exams from the Cultural Heritage and Tourism Organization can serve as a leader in tourism and tourism, and is proud to receive an ID card in the profession. I have passed all these courses and I am now honored to receive a legacy card. Considering that at four international meetings held in Isfahan, I also collaborated with the titles of the interpreter. The project was co-sponsored by the municipality of Isfahan and the Cultural Heritage Organization. I've had It is an honor to be able to work with authorized and approved centers in this area

Telephone and whatsapp number: 00989378583247 


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Best Guide to View Isfahan


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