Medical packing machine It has a fault system and alarms for any mechanical and electrical faults has a counting system four sides are ...
We are predominantly specialized in supplying and exporting Sulphur to all around the globe in which our related specific departments loc...
EPC COMPANY is among the industry leaders in supplying a wide variety of valves to the oil and gas industry to include plants refineries...
Use of Geotextile is common for protection of oil and gas pipeline. But in rocky areas geogrid is used for cathodic protection of pipeli...
Design Fabrication and Installation of Used Industrial Oil Refining Plants Grease Production Plants Industrial Oil Production Blendin...
Different types of Gas meters including diaphragm meters smart meters. Different Capacities from 0.025 m3 h up to 160 m3 h.
la with Complete responsibility as "Buyer" order the following commodity in the quantity and for the price indicated and delivery rate...
Standard diesel fuel (sometimes called diesel oil) comes in two grades: Diesel 1 (D1) and Diesel 2 (D2). Diesel or Diesel fuel in general...
Type of file: P6 PDF| Date: Shamsi| WBS Gantt Chart Critical Schedule Resource Resource Graph CPM WBS| Duration: 925| Activity Number: ...
Reverse engineering of industrial machines and cnc complex parts oil and gas industry (industrial design)
A 10 tons of Arak boiler 10 bar working Pressure Construction year 1360 furnace of wet back overhauled and ready to test Original...
Solar water heaters electric water heaters and gas viable alternative
Atmospheric Water Generator 250 L Day Product Name: AWG 250L Day Producing 250 litter drinking water daily and suitable for industria...
I In polyethylene semi hydraulic welding machine 200 all the belongings related to the steering valve oil pump and pressure gauge are in...
marketing for the products by a professional marketer in Iran International Oil and gas Fair as well as Cosmetics products Chemicals mar...