Production and importation of any kind Valve and solenoid valves Flanges Carbonsteel and stainless steel Fittings for Oil Gas and Petr...
Gas hot iron dehorner; Held firmly to the horn bud for about 20 seconds destroying the horn producing cells and preventing further growth;
EPC COMPANY is among the industry leaders in supplying a wide variety of valves to the oil and gas industry to include plants refineries...
R22 refrigerant gas is a cryogenic gas which is mostly used in air conditioners and refrigeration system is used.
Type of file: P6 PDF| Date: Shamsi| WBS Gantt Chart Critical Schedule Resource Resource Graph CPM WBS| Duration: 925| Activity Number: ...
Solar water heaters electric water heaters and gas viable alternative
Atmospheric Water Generator 250 L Day Product Name: AWG 250L Day Producing 250 litter drinking water daily and suitable for industria...
I In polyethylene semi hydraulic welding machine 200 all the belongings related to the steering valve oil pump and pressure gauge are in...
Iran all export Co. exporter of Counter from Iran to Iranian border countries including Iraq Armenia Azerbaijan Afghanistan Turkmenis...
SUNFAR induction lamp consists of three parts the high frequency generator (ballast) energizing coils and the discharge tube. The main ...