The LED Currency Exchange Rate Display is an eye catching high quality display. As standard bright enough for window positioning and opti...
direct evaporative air cooler capable to cater 1500 2100 square meter of area our new cooling system contains Cellulosic pads and a well...
We're a loyal customer to the service of our
CORTE K is a corrector for potassium deficiency which is presented as a highly concentrated liquid solution and which also contains nitro...
A septic system is a highly efficient self contained underground wastewater treatment system. Because septic systems treat and dispose ...
Kashan (Persian: also Romanized as: Kāshān) is a city of Isfahan Iran. At the 2006 census its population was 248 789 in 67 464 families.
Dimensions length 200 width 100 height 180 cm Power consumption : 2.5kv 220v single phase & three phase application :roasting a var...