Мраморные и фасадные плитки из Ирана в Туркменистан We have contract with over 300 mine holders and manufacturers of Marble and Building...
Artificial stone - Dornika Stone (Paving tiles, Mosaic, Floor tiles, Building stone)
Iran all export Co. exporter of Plaster from Iran to Iranian border countries including Iraq, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, Turkmenis...
12 м Арматура от строительства от Ирана до Туркменистана Exporting Rebar for construction from Iran to Turkmenistan 8mm - 5kg, 10mm - 7...
Iran all export Co. exporter of Rebar from Iran to Iranian border countries including Iraq, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, Turkmenista...
Потолочная алюминиевая плитка из Ирана в Туркменистан Iran All Export Co. Has exported Thousands of Ceiling Aluminum Tile From Iran to T...
Fibercement boards are manufactured with the latest technology in the production facilities of Ekobord in Bilecik. Ekobord Bilecik Produc...
Iran All Export Co. has managed to export different thickness of sandwich panels (usually 4 cm, blue) coming in different thickness from ...
Гипсокартонная гипсовая панель из Ирана в Туркменистан Iran All export Co. is exporter of Drywall Gypsum Panel From Iran to Turkmenistan...
wallpaper with best price and quality. next wallpaper websitee always has sale on its products
Manufacturing The manufacturing of geomembranes begins with the production of the raw materials, which include the polymer resin, and va...
Pvc Waterstop
Concrete and Mortar Integral Waterproofing Admixture, Powder
Concrete and Mortar Integral Waterproofing Admixture, Liquid
Plastit LR is a chloride free water reducing admixture based on selected lignosulphonate materials. It is supplied as a brown solution wh...
Plastit SPNR is a chloride free water reducing admixture based on selected sulphonated napthalene polymers.
Plastit SPCR100 is differentiated from conventional superplasticisers in that it is based on a unique carboxylic ether polymer with long ...
Expanding Cementitious Construction Grout
Shrinkage compensated, polymer fibre reinforced, thixotropic repair mortar system
Plastit L1 is a chloride free water reducing admixture based on selected sugar-reduced lignosulphonates.
Plastit SPC100 is differentiated from conventional superplasticisers in that it is based on a unique carboxylic ether polymer with long l...
Plastit SPN1 is a chloride free, superplasticising admixture based on selected sulphonated napthalene polymers.
Design and manufacture of prefabricated concrete molds and machines with high industrial efficiency
Oil filter is one of the most imperative parts of engine filtration to maintain the engine parts and prolong the engine parts life time. ...
This product is swelled when is in the vicinity of water. Its volume increase reaches 400% after 14 days. This product is used for sealin...