240 cc Milk claw

240 cc Milk claw

Claws for portable and stationary milking machine; 150 cc Capacity; With stainless steel bottom parts and poly carbonated type; For cow and camel milking;

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Iran (Islamic Republic of), Tehran

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Portable Milking machine, Milking machine spare parts, Cow ear tag, Silage scraper, Sheep ear tag, camel neck tags, RFID Ear tag, Spare knife for feeder mixer, Milking filter, Milking tubes, Reproduction devices, Ostrich neck tag, Milking Claws, Tagging system

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240 cc claw
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Product description

After the milk leaves the teat it collects in the collecting bowl of the claw. The milk then is drawn from the claw, through the milk hose to the milk line by the same vacuum as inside the liner .

Claws are in different sizes. Apart from brand or model of milking machines, more milk is produced by animal, bigger size of claw is needed. So you can see that claw for sheep or goat is very smaller than cow or camel type.

Pay attention that breeding cows let more than 300 cc milk out in each pulse. So please replace your milking machine claw with a bigger one (300 or 330 cc).

A complete set of clusters comprises a claw and four fully-assembled cups (that is, four sets of teat shells, liners, short milk tubes, short pulse tubes, the long milk tube and long pulse tubing).

Correctly setting up your clusters will result in the following benefits:

  • Increased milking efficiency - clusters which are correctly set up will be easy to put on and take off, and will require no intervention from the milker while a cow is being milked. They will also ensure cows are efficiently milked out.
  • Improved animal health - clusters which are correctly set up will not slip. Cluster slip can compromise teat health, increasing the risk of mastitis.

Other important characteristics of claws include:

  • appropriate weight;
  • unrestricted inlet nipples and claw outlet to allow free flow of milk;
  • good visibility of milk flowing into the claw bowl from each quarter;
  • ruggedness in a tough environment;
  • be relatively easy to open and maintain;
  • the elusive, but important, quality of good ‘personal feel and handling characteristics’;
  • visibility of milk in the claw bowl to help detect problems such as blood in the milk and to provide an indication of the end of milking for individual cows.

Characteristic of transparent bowls:

  • Instant activation of the shut off valve
  • Fast de-vacuumising of the claw
  • One touch – one hand cluster removal
  • No more pinching or crimping milk rubbers
  • Improves cow comfort
  • Effortless cluster removal

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