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Temperature SensorVDO Pressure Senders & Switches VDO Pressure Senders are suitable for use with oil pressure and gearbox pressure gauge...
Manufacture of drive motors for adjustment of three-phase squirrel cage and ....
gama pipe 12*75mm
Automatic Mortar Cement Mixer is an automatic programmable mixer. The main parameter initialized in device program, but operator could ch...
Automatic Direct Shear Test Machine is as same as digital direct shear test machine except in Automatic one used a stepper motor to reach...
The Desk SEM Coater model DSR1 is a compact coating system able to coat carbon film and noble metals such as gold (Au), palladium (Pd), p...
The Gas Sensor's Testing System is designed and manufactured for the performance qualification of gas sensors. Any sensor which is design...
Digital Compression Machine and Bending test
containing: 3 baskets
This solution use for sand equivalent test and each 85cc this solution was diluted with 3.78lit water
slump cone test with stainless steel cone weight: 8-10kg
material: cast aluminum body
Concrete test molds made of plastic composites due to lightweight and less expensive, alternative forms of iron are present.The rapid ope...
containing: 4&6.5" sand cone with steel and PVC body 4&6.5" base plate with steel body aluminum 4&6.5" calibration container
Concrete vibrating table
Sand equivalent test
lab jaw crusher
Fully Automatic Compression Machines designed to determine strength compression of cubic and cylindrical concrete samples. Operator could...
After putting the specimen in device and press start button all steps of test done automatically When test finished, the jaws go back t...
Automatic Blaine apparatus used to determine particle size of powder materials such as Portland cement and lime in terms of their specifi...
The Los Angeles Abrasion Machine is used for determination of the aggregates resistance to fragmentation, abrasion in crushed rock, slag,...