IHF Series Resistant Chemical process centrifugal pump
IHF Series Resistant Chemical process centrifugal pump

It can running smoothly under 120 degree C.The Mechanical Seal is choose WE2 Series External mechanical seal for easy maintain. Closed ty...

chemical pump with 6.5m3/h  at  0.32 Mpa
chemical pump with 6.5m3/h at 0.32 Mpa

This product is widely used in petrochemical, acid alkali, non-ferrous metal smelting, automotive manufacturing process of pickling, rare...

Chlorine water Pump
Chlorine water Pump

Chlorine water Conveying Pump Free -leakage sealless pump Stongly Magnetic driven pump

Industrial water pump with 6.5m3/h flow at 17.5 m pump head
Industrial water pump with 6.5m3/h flow at 17.5 m pump head

Thermplastic Magnetic Driven Pump Non-metallic sealless pump Acid alkaline water Conveying pump chemical process pump

Min CQB Series Magnetic driven pump with 1.6m3/h at 7 m
Min CQB Series Magnetic driven pump with 1.6m3/h at 7 m

CQB-F Series Pump which is an single -stage, single-suction, magnetic-driving centrifiugal pump, which application modern magnetic mechan...