Walnut trees are any species of tree in the plant genus Juglans, the type genus of the family Juglandaceae, the seeds of which are referr...
Leca concrete is made by mixing of Leca aggregates, cement and Water. Adding sand into the mixture reduces the porous and Makes the concr...
finger print door locks open 4 ways. finger print , password , mechanical key and by smart home application from any place.
Efficient concrete mixing by “Ready Mixed Bag” Leca lightweight concrete is made by “Ready Mixed Bag” with coarse ready-bagged lightweigh...
we need one host for each home to make it smart.
Leca aggregates in Iran are presented in various sizes. Four usual gradations are 0_4 mm, 4_10 mm, 10_25 mm, 0-25 mm. Leca bulk dried den...