charso smart home

smart home, bms, smart house

About us

Charso smart home in 1385, its activities in the field of CCTV, the network began
Seeks to expand its activities in the field of intelligent building from 1390 based on a new approach to a set protocol knx z-wave and was also valid in this world to satisfy our customers worked Babrndhay. The company operating distribute and service selling products is smart.

Company information

Company/Business Name :
charso smart home
Business type :
Services and products :
smart home, bms, smart house, security
اطلاعات تماس
بیوگرافی شرکت

charso smart home

Iran (Islamic Republic of), Kabul, Kabul

Business type



smart home, bms, smart house, security

دسته‌بندی Products