Alborzi Translation & Interpretation Center

Interpretation, interpreter, Translation

Importer & distributor of Perfume from Germany & Europe

Importer , supplier , distributor & seller of perfume & essence from famous German , Spain , French & European brands import & sales of women & men Perfume from Spain & European companies woman & girls Perfume seller in Iran , Tehran Iranian company importer from European producers & manufacturers for girlish & womanlike products Purchaser of perfume & essences from european producers


Perfume :
Italy & European :
hygienic products

Service description

French , German , Spain , Italian Perfume , Essence products seller , supplier & distributor in Iran , Tehran

Distributor of all kinds of European Perfume from Germany , Spain , Italy

direct import and sales of European high quality brands in Iran for women and men (girl hygienic and Perfume in Tehran , Iran)

Producers of Perfume from Italy , France , Switzerland , Germany , Spain , U.K. and other European countries can contact us to introduce their products to sell their products or to give us agency to sell in Iran.

Perfume including: Creams , Detergents , Hygienic products etc.

Perfume Industry is very active in Iran and we cooperate on perfume appliances seller in Iran.

Chinese producers only first class products can be purchased.

Showroom to show the imported goods from Italy in Iran from girls and women Perfume products.

We can accept new Italian brands invitation for sales in Iranian market.

Hereby, we invite European and specially Italian producers of Perfume to contact us for distribution of your products in Iran which is a virgin market for all over the world and specially Europe because Iran has 80 million population and 10% of Iranians are rich people , so Iran has 8 million rich persons to potentially purchase high quality products from Italy , so Iran is a very very good , great and virgin market for you:

  • Direct import and sales of Perfume from famous German , Italian brands.

Of course , all valid , professional & experienced producers , Italian , French , Swiss , German , Great Britain producer companies in Italy and Europe can contact us.

  • Direct import and sales of kinds of Perfume from famous and valid Italian brands.
  • Managing an Iranian company importer from Italian producers and manufacturer
  • Direct import and sales of Perfume.

High class and high quality style seller in Iran from Italy & Europe

 Of course , all our aim is to do the services and import and sales of special materials and products for luxury people in Iran with the nearest price to Italy.

So , we are a Perfume products seller & distributor in Iran

Perfume seller in Iran

Contact us if you are looking for below business services:

  • Manufacturer
  • Producer
  • Exporter
  • Wholesaler
  • Retailer
  • Importer
  • Service provider for cosmetics & hygienic products etc in Iran

Contact information: Telegram , Whatsapp , Mobile: 0098 9354342900 Mr Alborzi

my email: ZOLA1364@YAHOO.COM

اطلاعات تماس
بیوگرافی شرکت

Alborzi Translation & Interpretation Center

Iran (Islamic Republic of), Tehran

Business type

Service provider


Interpretation, interpreter, Translation, Translator, teacher, interpreter in Tehran, interpreter in Iran, Translator in Iran, tour leader, tour guider, tourist guider, Iranian tourist guider, visit iran, Tehran locations, iranian cities, tourism industry

Business entity:

Joint stock company

دسته‌بندی Services
Updated 8 Weeks ago