
Portable Milking machine, Milking machine spare parts, Cow ear tag

Why must we use tags?

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Tagging is an important part of animal identification as it helps a producer or farmer to identify a certain animal for reproductive and health concerns, as well as for culling and selling.

Why must we use tags?

Being able to identify animals is a key part of raising them. In particular, animal identification facilitates keeping records used to make management and mating decisions for improvement.
Traditional ID systems have been visual-based. Now RFID tags are available. In most cases, electronic systems also include a visual number as a backup if failure should occur. With a RFID tags, we can monitor the herd faster, easier and more accurate.

Why plastic type?

Flexible plastic tags are probably the most widely used for animal identification, as they are readable from a distance.
They are manufactured in different colors, preprinted or blank, allowing producers to mark them with their numbering system, the animal's breed, sire and dam, etc.
Tags have their own applicators too. Proper ear location for applying tags is important for tag retention (please refer to previouse article). More flexible tags have seemed to aid in retention. Retention and legibility are the most important considerations for all tags.

What kind of tag must be chosen?

It is important to make sure tags are large enough to be read at a distance and that numbers remain readable. Tags also vary in size and shape.

A good tag and identification must have the following characteristics:

  • Permanent or long-lasting and resistant to tampering, chemicals and sun light

  • Easy to read

  • Contain needed information about the animal

  • Be part of a system to enable tracking of animals and information

  • Not observe dust and manure 

  • Being light for animal comfort

  • Having a good porous texture for marker ink effect

  • Being economic in price compared to its quality

  • Being enough shiny for laser printed tags

  • Easy to apply and having sharp tip for fast instalation

Read the original article from here : http://www.tirdaykala.com/pages/whytags

اطلاعات تماس
بیوگرافی شرکت


Iran (Islamic Republic of), Tehran

Business type

Manufacturer, Wholesaler, Retailer, Exporter


Portable Milking machine, Milking machine spare parts, Cow ear tag, Silage scraper, Sheep ear tag, camel neck tags, RFID Ear tag, Spare knife for feeder mixer, Milking filter, Milking tubes, Reproduction devices, Ostrich neck tag, Milking Claws, Tagging system

Business entity:

Joint stock company

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