Free and unlimited free Vhast Dimna (
Reverse engineering of industrial machines and cnc complex parts oil and gas industry (industrial design)
Ariankhak Iranian engineering group with more than 10 years of experience in drainage and isolation is ready to drain and isolate your fo...
engineering testing services
In the wastewater industry pipe lines with a diameter of 1400 mm or higher called as collection pipe lines, but like other lines they alw...
install , design solar water pumping system
RTV covering presented as an effective and economic maintenance method. In addition, this method compares with. HVIC is the only app...
Consultant Service (NDT)
Leaching pond construction using geomembranes, which are anti acid polymers, is very economical and environmentally friendly.
desing and install of solar electric energy system
Transmission line engineering services could improve reliability of network. Deicing of Transmission line ,Reduction of galloping effect...
Ariankhak Iranian engineering group is ready to design your retaining walls and bridge abutments using geosynthetic products like geogrid...
If you have an urgent need for a sample of the design, industrial, and other projects. If you already want to learn how to control the p...
EPC Contractor, Engineering services, Technical inspection services, Procurement services, Management Contractor services,construction,Bu...
we offer to our customer all kinds of engineering services for them vessels at the harbor bandar e bushehr
we will best service to make your investment to best company in iran and we will guaranty you have profit between 10-12% per year.also ou...
Bazaarian Exchange Company
WE SPECIALIZE IN FAST APPROVALS You can access our Credit/funding facilities from Any location in the world. urbansuccessfundings@gma...
compani ejaz babaei alishah
Dough mixer size:8&15&40&40&60&120&180 kg best quality
Importer & seller cosmetics & hygienic , beauty products of famous Deutschland ( German , Netherlands ), Great Britain , Italian & Europe...
Importer , supplier , distributor & seller of perfume & essence from famous German , Spain , French & European brands import & sales of ...
Import & sales of furniture , fabrics , curtain , boisery from Italy brands Importer and seller of furniture from famous & valid Italian...
painting by a painter in Iran sales of flowers , naturalistic paint works in Tehran Realism , Kubism , Impersionism styles paintings av...
Insolation and painting