iran food

meat corn vegetables, conserv and Compote and Canned Food, tea

Export dates(Rotab mazafati)

00989153167020 , Rotab Mazafati (export dates) from the gardens of Bam, Iran.Products from the best quality groves in the vast country of Iran.Packed in small boxes of 700 gr, where each of the 12 small boxes is placed in a large carton.Each 26.5 tons can be loaded in a 40ft / HD container for sea transportation with 377,857 small boxes and 3 ٬ 155 large cartons.The price is determined at the time


Brand Name :
Rotab maxafati
Model :
Place of Origin :
Iranian Rotab :
package of 700 grams

Product description

Dates of Ramadan and Nowruz

00989153167020 , Rotab Mazafati (export dates) from the gardens of Bam, Iran.Products from the best quality groves in the vast country of Iran.Packed in small boxes of 700 gr, where each of the 12 small boxes is placed in a large carton.Each 26.5 tons can be loaded in a 40ft / HD container for sea transportation with 377,857 small boxes and 3 ٬ 155 large cartons.

The price of each kilogram of Mazafati dates in Mashhad, Bam, Bandar Abbas is calculated and determined based on time conditions.

اطلاعات تماس
بیوگرافی شرکت

iran food

Iran (Islamic Republic of), Mashhad

Business type

Manufacturer, Importer, Exporter


meat corn vegetables, conserv and Compote and Canned Food, tea, lavash chips puff salt dairy cheese, sugar raw and white and sugar brazilia, sugar chaff and broken and bean, Exported Liquid Oil and Animal yellow oil, Export Eggs, cake and muffins, Tomato paste Easy paste Aseptic paste, juice Temporary import re-export Russian , Export Natural Honey, Export Saffron Ownership, Export Mineral water and drinking water, Export and inport Flour for bread, export Wheat for Flour bread

Business entity:


دسته‌بندی Products