Teb Mahan

e light, ipl, microdermabration

About us

Teb Mahan
Teb Mahan
Teb Mahan

Teb Mahan is a big & first producer of e light & microdermabration & radiofrequency & other medical equipment .

Company information

Company/Business Name :
Teb Mahan
Business type :
Manufacturer, Importer, Exporter
Services and products :
e light, ipl, microdermabration, fractional co2
Business entity :
اطلاعات تماس
بیوگرافی شرکت

Teb Mahan

Iran (Islamic Republic of), Tehran

Business type

Manufacturer, Importer, Exporter


e light, ipl, microdermabration, fractional co2

Business entity:


دسته‌بندی Products