
Grill pan, Cast iron grill plate, Cast iron pot

About us

In the process of molding and designing the grill pan and cast iron grill plate, we have always tried to provide the best design in terms of convenience and ease of use for our dear customers. In selecting our design engineers, we have used the most experienced and up-to-date people in the field of mold design and manufacturing. In the process of coating and non-stick grill pan, we have used the best raw materials and completely non-stick and scratch-resistant of course, many of our colleagues do not believe that we have such a technology that only cast iron pots of French origin have in Iran and we can use these capabilities and easily use the life of products by maintaining the original appearance to at least ten Let's reach the year. Yes, with the efforts of our research team, we have achieved such products during four years that we are worthy of exporting these products to the markets of Turkey, UAE, Syria, etc.
When we first saw the spark for the production of cast iron containers in 1396 and followed it, we ourselves did not believe that we could produce products of this quality with our efforts and efforts around the clock. At the beginning we wrote a sentence and tried to always consider this sentence:
"" Production and sale of non-stick dishes with lasting quality for cooking and grilling that also maintains the health of the customer. "
By believing in God Almighty and relying on our own efforts and the progress of our dear homeland in various fields and collecting these fields in one product, we have reached such a quality and attractive product. Send us your message on social media using a grill pan or cast iron grill plate.
The name that inspired us for our product is FAIR, which means no fuss, and because our approach was export-oriented from the beginning, we chose the same name. We hope that the products produced by our research team will be liked by the people of our country and we promise our loved ones that we will always maintain the quality of our products and of course we will move towards better, more attractive and up-to-date quality.

Company information

Company/Business Name :
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Services and products :
Grill pan, Cast iron grill plate, Cast iron pot
Business entity :
اطلاعات تماس
بیوگرافی شرکت


Iran (Islamic Republic of), Isfahan

Business type



Grill pan, Cast iron grill plate, Cast iron pot

Business entity:


دسته‌بندی Products