Interactive Technology

Interactive floor, Interactive wall, Glass Monitor


Interactive Floor System is a hardware + software solution. It’s possible to transform a normal floor into a dynamic and interactive area where to put any content. The amazing experience will attract thousands of audience and make them deeply impressed. It is flexible in using such as in the shopping mall, museum, shop window, restaurant, airport etc.

Product description

We supply three kinds of Interactive Floor System: standard version, double size version and triple size version. We supply edge blending system to joint two or three projections image into one complete projection image without any gaps.

Start the fantasy experience Interactive Floor System.
- Integrate advertising into amazing entertainment experience
- Make your display come alive
- Flexible image with different types and sizes
- Superior visibility
- Huge information

اطلاعات تماس
بیوگرافی شرکت

Interactive Technology

Sweden, Värmland, Karlstad

Business type



Interactive floor, Interactive wall, Glass Monitor, Glass TV

Business entity:


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